Friday, September 16, 2011

LIFE STORIES ^^ >,< =D =( -__-

1. ='(
Girl: I'm having my operation now I love you.
The girl lays on operation bed.
Boy stands there with watery eyes without saying I love you too.
Girl finishes heart transplant, the boy is gone.
Girl: Nurse where is he?
...Nurse says: They didn't tell you who's heart they gave you, did they?
Nurse hands the girl a note
Girls reads note
''I told you it was yours'' ? :(

2. =( 
At age 15, your dad
expects a hug when you come home, you thank
him by going into your room.

At age 18, he cries
at your graduation, you thank him by partying
all night.

At age 26 he pays for your wedding,
you thank him by moving states.

At age 50, he
falls ill and you weren't there. He slowly dies,
and it all came crashing down on ur heart.

its so unfair :(


  1. neng duwur posting og ana There was an error in this gadget, we anu gadget apa sing error ra metu?

  2. kui ki kadang eroran tapi y kadang ora og.........tergantung kemampuan loading masing2. hohoho
